There are dozens and dozens of high quality blogs on TFS and Visual Studio that helps up not only keep up with the latest information but also have a huge amount of high quality information that allows us to make a better use of TFS and Visual Studio.

Unfortunately the day only has 24 hour and people are typically so busy that the available bandwidth to keep up with the deluge of information that is thrown at us every day is very low.

If this is your case I would recommend that you follow three blogs. The first one is quite obvious since it’s probably the _authoritative_ source of information on TFS. The posts are not very frequent but when he posts they have a high informational value. Either explaining Microsoft vision on some TFS topic or on important things that are released or coming in the near future.

if you haven’t guessed by now, I’m talking about Brian Harry’s blog.

The other two links, are two high frequent highly condensed information with pointers to interesting posts that are written on several blogs. These two guys scorch the web for high interest posts and give you a list of posts around the wed. These two blogs are a great way of having a good digest of what is happening on TFS and Visual Studio with very little effort on your part.

I’m talking about the venerable Mickey Gousset and his Team System Rocks which has been regularly writing VSTS Links series for as long as I can remember.

The other is Visual Studio and TFS Daily in which Trenton Nix write daily uptakes on posts that he considers interesting.

If you have little time and yet feel the need to keep an eye on what it’s interesting these would be the resources I would recommend for you to follow and will allow you to keep up with very little effort.