The last few months have been just crazy. Been pretty busy and I thought now that we are entering June things were going to calm down a little.

But not it seems June is going to be another crazy month, so besides the talk I did on the MS ALM event a few days ago, on June I’m going to do two public talks (and new one seems to be rails).

The first will be a session on Prompt about ALM in general (what is ALM, associated software engineering practices, like builds, source control, branching, continuous integration, continuous deployment and some things I’m still going to add to the talk 😀 )). Prompt is post graduation in programming methods and technology given by a Lisbon Superior Engineering Institute

This event will be free and since the seats are limited, admission will be on a first come first served basis. (requires registration). More info and registration here

My second talk will be at the Agile Portugal conference which is going to be held on the 21st and 22nd of June in Porto. I’m going to give a short talk with the highly provocative title Tester’s fate in an Agile World: Extinction or Evolution? I intend to talk about the role (is there a role for them?😀 ) of testers in an Agile team and how Microsoft Test Manager can help testers better gel with the developers. I hope I can pull it off, and live up to the hyped title.😀